Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Terrace Newsfeed

While in the Terrace at the Wilkinson Student Center I succumbed to peer pressure and went up to the microphone and began a fully serious reading of the Newspaper section "Campus Pulse." The question said "How do you think the university's decision to publish student's ratings of professors will affect your educational experience?"

Instead I told those present that the question was "How do you think the university's decision to permit faculty-student dating will affect your educational experience?" Then I read the following answers:

"I feel it will improve my educational experience. I feel it will improve the quality of professors' lectures." - Emma from Blue Springs

"I think it might affect the way I choose my professors, but other than that, it won't affect my education much." - Daniel from New Mexico

"I think it won't affect me that much. I think it will give me a comparison, but overall I don't see it having much of an impact." Erin from Alpine

There were other inappropriate things said. But we'll leave it at that.



1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Wow Josh, you never cease to amaze me. Never.
