Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sweet16 forecasts

Hey, I think we should make some kind of a prediction pot for marriage dates, names, places, a big giant guessing pool. Kind of like how they do during March Madness!


Nat said...

if you build it they will come

J. Guest said...

Zack - the Schwartz-enegger - May 2009 - honeymoon: Moscow, Paris, Rome.

John Brunt - Melissa - June 2008 - honeymoon: the cabin.

Jeremy Lindstrom - his current girlfriend's (Katelin?) cousin - September 2008 - Honeymoon: Also John's cabin

Derek - oath of celibacy by Thanksgiving this year

Dane - the first German fraulein he meets at BYU - Oktoberfest 2008 - Honeymoon: all the drive-in movie theatres they encounter as they drive along the old Mormon trail

Nat - the ex-fiance of the next Elitist to get engaged [one of the John's?] - April 2008 - Honeymoon: Carthage Jail

J. Guest said...

John Crespo - John Brunt's sister - 2012 - Honeymoon: EuroDisney

Bryce - Brooke - Before Bryce's Brother's Birthday - Belarus, Babylon

J. Guest said...

and Josh - one of Mitt Romney's daughters - 2012 - Honeymoon: the moon, honey.

Nat said...

the amplitude of my laughter diminished as I read speak with perfect candor

DRock said...

I beg to differ, I find the humor only to exponentially increase. HOLLAA!

Anonymous said...

You're just encouraging him, Derek.

Anonymous said...

Anybody tried the Buffalo Wings at Red Robins?

