Sunday, February 10, 2008

Josh and Allie...almost siblings?

The latest development. After I was telling my parents about my date with Sister [Sandy1, F]. I told my mom about her dad's profession. Guess what... my mom and her dad used to date and were almost engaged!

My mom wrote to him during his mission, I guess he broke up with her. But all my life my parents have told me about how my mom could have married the president of NuSkin. And apparently, in her family, her mom has been known to say, "You should have married Sue."

We'll have pictures later of the two parents, Allie and I could have been brother and sister! but... yeah, what could this possibly mean? We'd like to hear your comments.

1 comment:

Nat said...

The economic analysis just in:

This means that the net benefits that will arise from your relationship with Allie will be greater than the potential net benefits of the marriage of your mother and Allie's father. They could have wed and raised a successful family. But, our all wise and Eternal Father considered future market expectations and knew everyone would be better off for eternity if Sue and Truman did NOT marry, allowing Allie and you the opportunity to enter a trade agreement that will yield immeasurable, eternal, net benefits.
