Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sweet16 forecasts

Hey, I think we should make some kind of a prediction pot for marriage dates, names, places, a big giant guessing pool. Kind of like how they do during March Madness!

oh *I'm* the stalker now!

Dude, you make it sound like I've been feverishly searching the internet looking for her. Thanks for encouraging the stalker perception

Down with Colored...blogs

Can we change the background of the blog? The black background is very distracting and makes it difficult to read. We also can get rid of the videos on the side. That would make me very happy with smiling.

What's everyone else's opinion? Stand and be heard.

Rebecca that Derek took out

Hey, Nat found that one girl Rebecca from our freshman year that Derek took to the Planetarium. I forgot all about her. I guess she was a Relief Society President in that ward.

How did you two meet in the first place?

Anyway, her picture is in Linze Struiksma's latest facebook album "Freshman Frienze" or something like that. Picture#55 out of 59. She is on the far left.


16 and 23

The dating machine never stops...I am planning a group date here for Saturday. Dane and a girl I went to school with and me and, well, that's in the works. Dane, what shall we do? Go bowling?

Yea yah

I am restarting the blog. I am back in the blogging game. This is just my experimental blog bit. Just to make sure that everything is working properly.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Dear Brethren

Dear Brethren,
I write to inform you all of thte extreme importance of a piece of information that has recently catpured my attention. Kim Dalton is serious with some crazy dude and Kevin Stagg and Rachel Kelly are officially and item. Memri Taylor tried hitting on me today in the Bookstore. Josh, I'm sorry you got shot down by Kim Dalton. I know it hurts, but it ain't no thing. I love you all.